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Get more than 350 reports about your health and expand the results extracted from your genetic Raw Data file!
If you purchased the Raw Data Starter product and want us to continue analyzing the information contained in your Raw Data, this is your plan.
The Raw Data Advanced Upgrade product includes:
1) Genetic vulnerability to health conditions
Health conditions are caused by a combination of genetic factors, environmental factors, and each individual’s lifestyle. With the health report through your Raw Data, you will receive information about your genetic risk of developing up to 85 health conditions.
Some examples of health conditions we analyze are:
2) Presence of monogenic hereditary conditions
These are caused by the presence of just one or a group of genetic variants. Knowing if you are a carrier of such a condition is important to discover the implications it has for your health or that of your potential offspring.
Some examples of hereditary conditions we analyze are:
3) Pharmacological compatibility
Different modifications in our DNA lead to various ways our body metabolizes drugs. Discover which of these modifications you have and how your body reacts to hundreds of different drugs through our analysis. This information helps reduce recovery time, avoiding side effects or other adverse reactions.
Some examples of pharmacological compatibilities we analyze are:
Simply by purchasing this product, without needing to upload your genetic Raw Data file again.
Remember to specify your user email and/or your Raw Data Starter product code by filling out the form above.
Within a maximum of 3 calendar days, you will be able to view your results in your private tellmeGen account.